
NSW Wildlife Rehabilitation Annual Report 2020–21

In 2020–21 there were 8,150 volunteers who supported or were otherwise directly involved in wildlife rehabilitation.

This annual report is the collective story of the NSW wildlife rehabilitation sector. It is the fourth report to be compiled by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, part of the Department of Planning and Environment. It communicates the significant efforts of volunteers in the sector and reports on trends in the rescue and rehabilitation of sick and injured wildlife.


COVID Lockdown ends with Pelican Training for wildlife volunteers

Pelicans in particular are iconic and much loved species of our rivers and estuaries and they are regularly entangled or ingest marine debris and discarded fishing tackle. They present real difficulties if they are still able to swim and fly, making rescue and treatment extremely challenging to wildlife volunteers. Swallowing or entrapment by fishing lines and hooks will usually result in a slow and painful death if not rescued and treated.


Weeds in Wildlife Microbiomes

The Advice for veterinarians and other animal health professionals lists the clinical signs to look out for and provides information on important PPE and biosecurity measures, and information about other relevant guidelines.

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